Cohort XIII (Beta Test Now)

our story

Ian and Lydia are two Army officers that all too often found themselves and their peers mired in the administrative requirements that keep the Army rolling along but prevent junior officers from leading their Soldiers.  A recent RAND study reported that Company leaders average 12.5 hours of work per day and were frustrated with the technological resources available.  Our company endeavors to empower junior leaders with the tools they need to be successful.  We strive to give leaders their time back so they can focus on what really matters, their people.    ​​

The story behind our name:  ​

  • Our keystone is our community, or cohort, of leaders.​
  • Ancient Rome was one of the most prestigious militaries in history, succeeding in part through technical innovations such as roads.  The Cohort was a unit employed by the ancient Roman military.​
  • During the American Revolution, Continental Army equipment was stamped with C XIII to denote the thirteen colonies.  This stamp would eventually evolve into the U.S. stamp that adorns today’s Army.  ​
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